Bloomberg Philanthropies


Better Future Project

Brazilian Association of Vegetable Oil Industries

Brazilian Biodiversity Fund

Biovision Foundation for Ecological Development

Brazilian Business Council for Sustainable Development

Biotechnology Innovation Organization

Brazilian Center for International Relations

Brazilian Confederation of Agriculture and Livestock

Brazilian Institute for Consumer Defense

Brazilian National Confederation of Industry

BioRegional Development Group

Brazilian Tree Industry

Bread for the World

Bright Blue

Brighter Green Inc

British Beauty Council

British Columbia Council for International Cooperation

British Fire Protection Systems Association Ltd

The Baltic And International Maritime Council

Bill Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation

Bianca Jagger Human Rights Foundation

Belville Community Garden Trust

Avelife Ltd

Avenir Climatique

Bahamas Protected Areas Fund

Bahu Trust

BAIF Development Research Foundation

Balipara Tract and Frontier Foundation

Avaaz Foundation

Ban Ki moon Centre for Global Citizens

Australian Youth Climate Coalition

Bangladesh Centre for Advanced Studies

Bangladesh Environmental Lawyers Association

Australian Uranium Association

Bangladesh NGOs Network for Radio and Communication

Bangladesh Resource Centre for Indigenous Knowledge

Bangor University


Australian Rainforest Conservation Society Inc

Barcelona Centre for International Affairs

Basel Agency for Sustainable Energy

Basque Centre for Climate Change

Battelle Memorial Institute

Australian Koala Foundation

Bay Area Council Foundation

Australian Industry Group

Beautiful Trouble

Australian Forest Products Association