Mediterranean Youth Foundation for Development

Mercy Corps

Mercy International Association

Meridian Institute

Meridian International Center

Met Office Hadley Center

Métis National Council

Michael Succow Foundation for the Protection of Nature

Michigan Technological University

Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey

Mie University

Mighty Earth

Millennium Institute

Minderoo Foundation

Minerals Council of Australia

Mining Association of Canada

Minnesota Center for Environmental Advocacy

Minority Rights Group International


MISEREOR German Catholic Bishops Organisation for Development Cooperation

MCS Charitable Foundation

Mississippi River Cities and Towns Initiative

Mom Loves Taiwan Association

Monash University

Monmouth University Urban Coast Institute

Max Planck Society for the Advancement of Science eV

Maryknoll Sisters of Saint Dominic Inc

Mary Robinson Foundation Climate Justice

Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers

Marmara University

Marketing Manchester

Marine Alliance for Science and Technology for Scotland

Margaret Pyke Trust

MAPET International Foundation

Manitoba Ozone Protection Industry Association

Manila Observatory

Mani Tese

Manchester Metropolitan University

Manchester Investment and Development Agency Services Limited

Korea Research Institute on Climate Change

Korea Institute of Science and Technology Europe

Korea Institute of Civil Engineering and Building Technology

Korea Green Foundation

Korea Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Kontaktstelle fur Umwelt und Entwicklung eV Berlin

Konrad Adenauer Foundation


Kings College School of Law

King Abdullah Petroleum Studies and Research Center

KinderEnergy INC