Sinergia Animal

Singapore Environment Council

SINTEF Foundation

Share The Worlds Resources

Shanta Memorial Rehabilitation Centre

Shan Shui Conservation Center

Shakti Sustainable Energy Foundation

Seven Generations Ahead

SEVEn The Energy Efficiency Center

Servicios en Comunicacion Intercultural

Service Civil International

Size of Wales

Skoll Foundation

SLOCAT Partnership on Sustainable Low Carbon Transport

Slow Food Foundation

Small Business and Entrepreneurship Council

Smart Energy for Europe Platform


SNV Netherlands Development Organisation

SOAS University of London

Seoul International Law Academy

Senegal Ecovillage Microfinace Fund

SeaTrust Institute

Second Nature

Secours islamique France

Sedex Information Exchange Limited

Seas at Risk

SDSN Association Inc

Scottish Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Association

Scottish Ecological Design Association

Scottish Council of Jewish Communities

Scottish Association for Marine Science

Scottish Catholic International Aid Fund

Soka Gakkai International – UK (SGI-UK)

Stakeholder Democracy Network (SDN)

Space for Giants

SouthSouthNorth Projects Africa (SSN Africa)

Southern Institute for Appropriate Technology (SIFAT)

Southern African Faith Communities Environment Institute (SAFCEI)

Southern African Confederation of Agricultural Unions (SACAU)

Southeast Climate and Energy Network (SCEN)

South Durban Community Environmental Alliance (SDCEA)

South Central India Network for Development Alternatives (SCINDeA)

South Asian Forum for Environment (SAFE)

South African Institute of International Affairs (SAIIA)

SOS SAHEL International France (SOS SAHEL)

SOS Atlantic Forest Foundation

SOS Amazonia

Sorbonne University (SU)

Somali Youth Development Foundation (SYDF)